periodo 4



Open the following link and answer to the five questions in here:

October 2nd

1. Think of and choose a country
2. Complete the following chart:

Name of the country:
Touristic places
Things you are going to do:





3. send this information to the teacher or show it to get correction on your ideas
4. after corrections, with a partner, prepare some slides to explain orally the trip you are going to have in the future to the teacher during 2-3 minutes.

september 25th

1. Complete the following links and send the answers:

2. listen to the following song and fill in the empty spaces. Also, look for the present perfect sentences meaning and send it to the mail too:

3. look for a today song using present perfect and wirte the lyrics

september 9


You will hear John who is talking about his holiday that he has just returned from. You will hear the selection twice. Write down the answers to the questions :

  • Which cities did John go to?
  • Did they go Zurich?
  • What did they do in Munich?
  • Where didn't they want to go in Italy?
  • What was the problem in Milan?
  • What types of transport did they use?
  • Where did they stay?
  • Why didn't they stay in a youth hostels?
  • Why did they camp most of the time?
  • What was the weather like in Madrid in July and August?
  • What was the weather like in France?
  • What disaster happened in Spain?
  • How much did the trip cost?
  • How does John feel?
  • What would John do differently if did the trip again?
  • What did he do the trip so quickly?
  • What does John have to do next?
  • what would be the best title for the listening?
  • which continent has he been visiting?
  • what do you think he has carried into his baggage during his holiday?

  • August 21st

    Create a slide presentation in Powerpoint or Prezzi or any other slide presentation program where you summarize the vacations you have recently had in a country you select.

    Take the following presentation as example


    • you can write some words in the slides like vocabulary or the past aprticiple of a sentence but no long sentences
    • the images have to be according to the idea you are going to explain later on orally
    • the number of slides are between 15 and 20
    • you have to explain the slides by using present perfect: 
    • you can add different details and words to what you are going to say
    • you can use and to help you with the pronunciation
    • you are going to explain your slides orally next class August 28. You have 4 to 5 minutes by pairs.
    • you are going to be graded in this way:

    Slide Presentation
    Lack of  images and words to photobook and describe some vacations
    Blurred  images and words to photobook and describe some vacations
    Clear images and words to photobook and describe some vcations
    Appropriate and clear images and words to photobook and describe some vacations
    Lack of use of the present perfect  and appropriate vocabulary to talk about vacations
    Big difficulties using the present perfect  and the vocabulary to talk about vacations
    Use of the present perfect  with some difficulties and some vocabulary to talk about vacations
    Perfect use of the present perfect  and appropriate vocabulary to talk about vacations

    August 14th

    Complete the exercises using the present perfect

    Listen to the song and wirte the past participle to complete

    July 31st

    complete the folllowing handout:

    transcribe the two women conversation and pay attention to the use of the rpesent perfect in the following video:

    Tercer periodo

    July 24th

    listen to the folowing link and explain the next concepts:
    Explain the concepts of
    1.       Stay-cation
    2.       man-cation
    3.       Fem-cation
    4.       Nude-cation
    5.       Space-cation
    6.       Kid-cation
    7.       Pro-cation
    8.       Medi-cation
    9.       Luxura-cation

    10.   Edu-cation

    Do exercises: 

    July 10th / July 17th
    Play and use those or other irregular verbs to answer to the question: What did you do on your June vacations?. Prepare a short report (2-3 minutes maximum) to talk to the teacher about. Moreover, use the vocabulary about Vacations to create short sentences and the conectors given in class. 

    Answer the hand out points 1 to 7 and send it into a word file


    Holidays/ Vacations vocabulary


    Answer the four questions in the video about Rafa Nadal and write all the irregular verbs you hear

    final exam

    complete the  empty spaces with the verbs in past simple you listen to: (to be sent before may 30th)

    Bruce Lee ______ the man who brought kung fu to the West with his famous film Enter the Dragon.
    Although Bruce Lee ______  in Chinatown in San Francisco in 1940, his parents soon ______  back to Hong Kong. Unfortunately, the Japanese Imperial Army invaded Hong Kong shortly afterwards but the family survived.
    His father Lee Hoi Chuon was a famous Cantonese opera singer and actor and his mother Grace was a wealthy aristocrat from Hong Kong. In 1957 Lee ______  and ______  he Hong Kong high school boxing championship and then ______  he Hong Kong cha cha cha champion for 1958.
    At the age of 18, he returned to the United States where his sister and brother lived. He ______  drama and philosophy at the University of Washington in Seattle. Then he ______  his first martial arts school where he taught his friends Jun Fan Gung Fu.
    Bruce Lee then ______  he original idea behind the very famous TV series Kung Fu but Warner Bros. decided not to have a  Chinese person as the star of the series. As a result, Bruce and wife and children ______ a plane to Hong Kong.
    Back in Hong Kong, Bruce immediately ______  three very successful films with director Raymond Chow called The Big Boss, Fist of Fury and The Way of the Dragon. There is a very famous fight scene in The Way of the Dragon with Chuck Norris ______  n the Colosseum in Rome where the gladiators ______   His last film was Enter the Dragon and was also a huge hit. The movie has made more than 200 million US dollars.
    Bruce Lee ______   philosopher as well as a fighter and ______   lot of books. He believed that all knowlegde eventually became self-knowledge.

    may 8th/2013

    1. complete the following sentences by using the simple past form of the irregular verbs:

    may 15th/2013

    1. write in ten lines who Hans Christian Andersen is.

    2.listen to the following link and complete the following tale with the correct verb in past simple

                                  The Princess and the Pea
    Once upon a time there _____   prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess. He travelled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There _____  rincesses enough, but it _____  ifficult to find out whether they _____  eal ones. There _____ always something about them that was not as it should be. So he _____  ome again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real princess.
         One evening a terrible storm _____  n; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was _____ at the city gate, and the old king _____ to open it.
         It was a princess standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious! what a sight the rain and the wind had _____ her look. The water _____  own from her hair and clothes; it _____  own into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she _____  hat she was a real princess.
         Well, we'll soon find that out, thought the old queen. But she _____ nothing, _____ into the bed-room, _____  ll the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and _____  hem on the pea, and then twenty eider-down beds on top of the mattresses.
         On this the princess _____ to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had _____ .
         "Oh, very badly!" _____  he. "I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am black and blue all over my body. It's horrible!"
         Now they _____ that she was a real princess because she had _____  he pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds.
    <  2  >
         Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that.
         So the prince _____  er for his wife, for now he _____  hat he _____ a real princess; and the pea was _____ in the museum, where it may still be seen, if no one has stolen it.
         There, that is a true story.
    3. write at least 20 unknown words in a sentence each.

    4. complete the following questions with the correct WH question according to the answer:

    What,   When,  Where,   Who,   How,   Why

    1. did the queen go? She went into the kitchen.
    2. did the girl say?" I'm a real princess"
    3. was a terrible storm?The storm was in the evening.
    4. did the girl sleep?She slept badly.
    5. opened the door?The servant opened the door.
    6. did he travell around the world?because he wanted to marry a princess.

    periodo 2

    Tarea a entregar antes de las 12pm del viernes del 3 de mayo.
    Trabajo con triple nota!

    1 Realizar:

    2. Listen to the following tales

    • write the unknown words.
    • write the past and the present of verbs in past simple.
    • summarize in five simple sentences each tale.

    3. Write and prepare a short dialogue using the following verbs in past simple:


    A. Answer:
    What is your daily schedule? 

    B. Listen to the audio and answer:
    1. What time does the man get up?
    2. What time does he get to work?
    3. What does he do with his family around 6:30 p.m.?
    4. What do the man and his wife do after the kids go to bed?
    5. What is one thing the man does NOT say about his wife?

    C. watch and answer to the questions:

    D. listen to and answer the questions:

  • How long will the survey take?
  • Does she have a TV?
  • What is her name?
  • What's her address?
  • What's her telephone number?
  • Where is she from?
  • Where was she born?
  • Where does she live now?
  • When was she born?
  • Is she married?
  • What does she do?
  • Where does she work?

  • Task 7

    listen to the following link and then complete the missing spaces:

    I ________ every morning at seven o'clock. 
    I take a shower.
    I ________ my breakfast.
    I ________ have toast or cereal.
    I brush my teeth.
    I put on my clothes.
    I catch the ________.
    I ride to school.
    In my class, we have math and ________ before recess.
    At recess time, the girls skip, or walk around and talk.
    The boys ________ in the playground or play baseball.
    After recess, we have ________ and geography.
    We eat lunch, and then we play outside.
    When the bell rings, we line up to go back into the classroom.
    After lunch, we have history and science.
    At recess, we play ball again.
    Some of girls play ball too.
    In the winter, we build snowmen.
    If it is too ________, we stay indoors and talk to each other.
    After recess, we have music and health.
    We get out of school at three thirty.
    I ________ walk home with my friends, or I take the bus.
    I have a snack and change my clothes when I get home.
    I change into my pajamas.
    If it is raining, I ________.
    If it is nice outside, I ________.
    I have supper at five thirty.
    On some nights, I help my mother to do the dishes.
    After supper, I do my homework.
    I wash my face and hands, and brush my teeth.

    Task 6

    1. check some vocabulary about chores and routines and adverbs of frequency in this link:

    2. listen to the following link and complete the text:

    Now, answer the following questions:

    1. How does Joshua go to school in Japan?
    A. He takes a school bus every morning
    B. He rides the subway at 8:00 AM.
    C. He walks with a group of students.
    2. Which item did Joshua NOT mention when talking about the things he takes to school?
    A. backpack
    B. gym clothes
    C. school hat
    3. What is one of the first things Joshua does when he arrives at school?
    A. He practices his reading and writing.
    B. He stands and bows to the teacher.
    C. He puts on his gym clothes for class.
    4. Where does Joshua eat lunch at school?
    A. in his classroom
    B. in the lunchroom
    C. in the gymnasium
    5. What time does Joshua probably get home from school most days?
    A. between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM
    B. between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM
    C. between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM

    Task 5

    1. Read the tutorials

    2. Create a survey with 20 How often...? questions to ask your classmates

    3. Listen to some examples

    4. Listen and answer to the questions in this link!

    1- What do you do in your bedroom
    2-What time does Brian usually go to bed?
    3- What do you usually do in the dining room?
    4- How often does he have dinner with his family?
    5- Who is usually missing at dinner?
    6- What time does Brian's father usually come home?
    7- what does he normally do in the bathroom?

    8- How often does Brian take a shower?
    9-Who usually cooks in the kitchen?

    10- what does he norammly eat?

    Task 4

    1. read the following slides:

    2. Listen to the following story The three bears.

    3. Complete the story and the missing spaces. Find unknown words  and create 15 WH-questions with their answers:

    Three kinds of bears _______ in Alaska. These are the _______ , the _______  and the ______.
    White bears, or polar bears, _______ live on the ice and nearly always _______ meat, especially seals. They often catch _______ by waiting near their breathing holes in the _______ . White bears always have a wash after _______ .
    Black bears normally live in _______ . They eat a lot of _______ and really love _______ . Black bears sometimes steal nuts from squirrels. A black bear can _______ attack a moose. Black bears are very _______ with _______ . Teddy bears come from black bears and _______  too.
    Brown bears, or grizzly bears, nearly always live in the _______ . Once a year, the brown bears go to the _______ and lakes to catch _______ . Brown bears love _______ , _______ and huckleberrries.
    Bears rarely attack _______ . White bears are very, very _______ but there are not many people where they live. You must never go near a white bear. If you meet a black bear, you shout at him until he goes away. However, if you meet a brown bear in the _______ , you lie down and play _______ . It is very important not to _______ brown bears with black bears. Also, when you go _______ , you always put your _______ and rubbish in special containers so that the bears don't _______ them.

    Remember to finish and send homework until this coming Friday March 1

    Task class 3

    1. Look at the following links to learn how to write a WH question:

    2. Listen and read the following

    3. Write 5 WH questions for each listening with their answers

    Remember this homework is to be sent until Saturday February 23
    task class 2
    trabajo para enviar maximo hasta el sabado 16 de febrero a las doce de la noche

    * Go to the following link:

    *Listen to 10 people you want and answer:
    1. What is the person's name?
      >> The man's/woman's name is _____.
    2. Where is the person from?
      >> He's/She's from _______________.
    3. Where does the person currently live now?
      >> He/She currently lives in ________.
    4. What are the person's hobbies?
      >> He/She enjoys/likes ____________.

    task class 1
    Open the following link and do the three activities in there I II and III

    James and his wife, Joey are a _______ couple. They _______ a
    daughter. Their daughter is very _______ . She is one year old.
    James and Joey _______ from Monday to _______ . They _______ get
    up early in the morning. At 8:35 A.M, Joey makes breakfast.
    They eat _______ and drive to work.
    At 9:00 A.M, James gets to work. He _______ fast. Joey gets to work
    at 9:20. She is a slow driver. At 10:00 o’clock she turns on the
    _______ and reads her emails. Then she sends emails to her
    At 9:05 A.M Jim _______ his mail box and fax machine. He reads
    his fax and _______ a fax. He also _______ his emails and sends replies.
    At 10:00 A.M he sits down and _______ business reports
    At 12:00 o’clock James and Joey meet at the _______ restaurant.
    James eats noodles and _______ soup. Joey _______ Chinese dumplings
    and _______ . Sometimes they have rice and Chinese soup
    At 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon, they get back to their offices and
    work. At 4:00 P.M, they get to school and study English. After
    school, they go out for dinner. After dinner they _______ . At home
    they _______ and play mahjong. They _______  at 11:45 PM.


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