What can I do to contribute solving different global issues?
 Comprensión lectora de textos orales o escritos sobre problemáticas sociales.  Expresión oral o escrita agregando verbos frasales en el discurso. 
 Redacción de textos cortos para opinar o describir. 
 Diferenciación de verbos en gerundio e infinitivo al realizar oraciones. 
 Presentación de ideas para dar solución a una problemática global. 
 Resolución y comprensión de ejercicios tipo prueba SABER 11.

Periodo 3

Week 12
November 11-15

Procesos de auto y coevaluación,
Finalización de procesos y refuerzos.

Week 11
November 4-8

Prueba de periodo

Revisión de simulacros enviados duarnte el periodo y de tres editores.

Week 10
October 28- November 1

Realización de kahoots sobre Gerunds and infinitives y repaso de estrategias de lectura de skimming y scanning con Global issues.

Simulacro 3 de tres editores.

Week 9
October 21-25

English Carnival Day

Gerunds & Infinitives Exercise

The teacher advised Henry _____ (finish) his report on time.

The man complained about _____ (have) to pay extra for something he didn’t order.

They warned the teachers _____ (treat) their students fairly. 

Sheila postponed _____ (go) on a vacation for a week.

The cake is sweet enough _____ (eat).

She demanded _____ (talk) to the store manager.

I managed _____ (finish) my homework earlier.

I feel like _____ (swim) in the beach today.

They agreed _____ (donate) a generous amount to build new school buildings.

I object to _____ (stay) after the class to check the papers.

Mike wanted _____ (buy) a new car, but he doesn’t have enough savings.

She succeeded in _____ (convince) her mother to buy her new shoes.

I am pleased _____ (tell) you that you made it to the final three.

My mother argued about ­_____ (study) abroad.

We invited Belle _____(attend) my parents’ wedding anniversary.

Week 8
October 15-18

Gerunds and infinitives

Seguimiento a notas evaluativas.

Week 7
September 30- October 4

Simulacro 7

Week 6
September 23-27

Taller Kahoot Phrasal Verbs 10B

Taller Kahoot Phrasal Verbs 10C

Taller Kahoot Phrasal Verbs 10A

Simulacro 6

Week 5
September 16-20

Phrasal verbs Activity 1

Entrega de descripción de lo visto en Universidad CES y en Feria Empresarial

Simulacro 5

Week 4
September 9-13

Retroalimentación Readings

Phrasal Verbs 

Phrasal verbs list

Week 3
September 2-6

Reading 4

Mental Health
One of the greatest challenges faced by mental health workers, in recent years, has been breaking down the stigma attached to mental illness. A stigma which didn't only affect the general public, but also patients and other healthcare professionals.

A patient's reluctance to admit to suffering from a mental illness, a mere 50 years ago, is hardly surprising when you consider the treatments that were available at that time such as electroconvulsive therapy in which the patient was strapped down and electrocuted - very much akin to a less deadly version of the electric chair. Going back slightly further to the 1940's and 50's, and the treatments got even more barbaric, the frontal lobotomy involved destroying the part of the brain which was thought to be responsible for the illness in question. These were commonly performed on patients suffering from schizophrenia, and while the delusions were often cured, the patient was left without full brain function. The lucky ones were just sent to an asylum to live, like a prisoner, out of sight and out of mind.

Fortunately, within the last 50 years, mental health has undergone major changes and now offers a variety of therapies for those suffering from a condition. Most large hospitals will have an in-staff psychiatrist to treat patients or to refer them to a psychologist who by therapy will help the patient realize the cause of their problem. However, one does not need to go to hospital to consult a mental health professional. If someone suffers from a minor mental health problem, such as panic attacks or a particular phobia, they are just as likely to find the help they need on the high-street.

Both the psychiatrist and psychologist are well versed in psychotherapy, but only the psychiatrist can prescribe medicine such as mood stabilizers or psychoactive drugs if needed. In recent years, creative therapies like music, color or dance therapy have also proved successful for certain conditions. Art therapy, for example, has proved effective in the treatment of patients with dementia.

On the face of the matter, it appears that the nations mental health should be better than ever but as times change so do the conditions which appear. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was unheard of 30 years ago, but now poses a major problem for soldiers returning from war or witnesses to major accidents. This does not necessarily mean that this is a new disorder, but rather that a name can be given to a condition which has been around for hundreds of years.

Another example of an old complaint recently being given a name is obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) in which sufferers have a compulsion to carry out certain actions, which for some may seem strange like repeatedly turning on and off a light switch a given number of times before leaving the house. Some disorders are not so old though, eating disorders such as anorexia are relatively new.

Mental health issues are often a result of the environment in which we live. Taking anxiety into consideration, it has been noted that the number of sufferers has increased dramatically as our lifestyle gives us more to worry about.

The challenge faced by mental health workers in the coming years, is to continue the good work already started and expand on it, particularly with regard to autism which currently affects around 1 in 88 children, yet remains incurable.

1. Only a psychologist is allowed to prescribe medicine, such as mood stabilizers or psychoactive drugs:
2. PTSD or schizophrenia was treated with electroconvulsive therapy or frontal lobotomy in the 40s and 50s:
3. Panic attacks, anxiety or any other form of phobia can usually be treated with psychotherapy:

Reading 5

Use it or lose it!

In this week´s article in our series, Healthy Lifestyles, Sue Thompson looks at new kind of exercise. You all know aerobics keeps your body fit - but now there´s a new kind of aerobics to keep your brain fit, too! And you don{t have to go to the gym to do it!

 The old expression Healthy body, healthy mind is more important than ever nowadays. The pace of life is faster, so more and more people have started doing sports and aerobics classes to exercise their bodies and reduce stress. But research has shown it is also important to exercise your brain.

 Scientists have discovered that some activities help the brain to change and grow. This makes the brain stronger and healthier, so it can work better. They call these activities neurobics -aerobics of the brain. One example is reading upside down. Reading is a routine activity that we do with our eyes. But when we do it upside down, we use our sense of sight in a new and surprising way. We have to concentrate more on each word. This can be very annoying because it´s more difficult and takes longer. But it causes a new emotion and this unexpected emotion in and everyday context also stimulates the brain and so helps it to develop.

 There are many simple neurobic exercises you can do. For example, opening the door when you get home is a routine activity. But if you look for yourkey and open the door with your eyes closed, it becomes neurobic because you use your sense of touch, not your sense of sight, and this makes  the brain work harder. And try cleaning our teeth with your left hand, not your right or vice versa. A right-handed person uses the left side of the brain to do this action. When you use your left hand, you use the right side of the brain, so it grows.

 In his book, Dr. Katz says ¨Everyday life is the Neurobic Gym¨.  You can do neurobic exercises anywhere. So if you want to improve your memory, do well in exams and be more creative, do neurobics!

Read the article again. Write true T or false F for each sentence.

  1. More people did sports and exercise in the past.
  2. Scientists have shown that our brain doesn´t always stay the same.
  3. Reading upside down is a routine activity.
  4. You help your brain to grow when you open the door with your eyes closed.
  5. If you´re left handed, you don´t use the left side of your brain.
  6. Youcan only do neurobic exercises in certain places.

Find and write 10 neurobic exercises to practice

Phrasal verbs

Simulacro 3

Week 2
August 26-30


ED ponunciation exercises

Reading aloud

Continuación trabajo lecturas

Reading 2

A. Match the words with the meanings. 
1. muscles 2. an organ 3. blood pressure 4. circulation 5. a heartbeat 6. a brain 
7. a painkiller 8. relaxation 
a. measurement of the force of blood moving around the body 
b. something that is not work; something that you enjoy 
c. the action of the heart 
d. movement of the blood around the body 
e. a medicine that stops pain 
f. what is on your bones that helps you move 
g. a part of the body that has a special job (for example, the heart) 
h. the organ in the head used for thinking

B. Complete these sentences with the words in the box.
blood pressure circulation muscles painkiller
brain heartbeat organ relaxation
1. When we laugh, we use 15 different _____________ in our face.
2. Laughter is good for every _____________  in our body.
3. When we laugh, our _____________  goes down.
4. Laughter makes our _____________  better.
5. A beta-endorphin is a natural _____________ .
6. Laughter makes our _____________  lower.
7. Laughter makes a natural painkiller in our _____________  .
8. Forty-five minutes of is the same as one minute of  _____________ laughter

C. 1. Which of the following is relaxation for most people?
a. watching television b. studying c. driving in traffic
2. Which of the following is an organ in the body?
a. a leg b. a hand c. the brain
3. Muscles can be found in which of the following?
a. our nails b. our legs c. our hair
4. Which of these activities gives you a faster heartbeat?
a. sleeping b. running c. eating
5. What do you need a painkiller for?
a. a joke b. a bath c. a headache

D. Circle the letter of the best answer.
1. Scientists say that laughter is .
a. good for us b. serious c. not really good
2. Laughter is good for .
a. our whole body b. only the face c. only the chest and shoulders
3. Laughter clubs . 
a. are only in India b. are places to learn jokes c. help people feel better

E. One piece of information in each sentence is not correct. Rewrite the sentence with the
correct information.
1. We use 50 different muscles in our face when we laugh.
2. Laughing is good for every organ in our brain.
3. Every minute we laugh is the same as 45 hours of relaxation.
4. We may change the way we laugh in different ages.
5. When we laugh, we breathe seriously.
6. Our face makes a natural painkiller.

Reading 3 

Simulacro 2

Week 1

Past simple Pronunciation

Reading strategies

Reading 1

A. Complete these sentences with the words in the box.
adult awake inventor normal average fall asleep let’s say teenager

1. After the age of 50, people sleep a(n) _________ of 6.5 hours a night.
2. _________ you don’t sleep one day. How would you feel the next day?
3. Some people cannot _________ . They call this problem insomnia.
4. A(n) _________  needs an average of 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day.
5. Benjamin Franklin was a(n) _________  .
6. A(n) _________  needs 9 to 10 hours of sleep every day.
7. When you don’t sleep one night, it takes weeks for your body to go back to _________ .
8. When you don’t sleep for a few hours at night, you think you were _________ 
all night.

B. Choose the correct answer. 
1. Which of the following is a good thing to do to fall asleep?
a. going shopping b. reading a difficult book c. cooking
EXAMPLE: Reading a difficult book is a good thing to do to fall asleep.
2. Which of the following is a teenager?
a. a boy of 16 b. a girl of 11 c. a person of 21
3. Which of the following was an inventor?
a. Mahatma Gandhi b. Thomas Edison c. William Shakespeare
4. What is the average of 11, 16, and 18?
a. 16 b. 45 c. 15
5. At what age are you an adult?
a. 14 b. 21 c. 12   
6. What is a normal time for an adult to go to bed?
a. seven o’clock at night b. two o’clock in the morning c. ten o’clock at night

C. Answer these questions with complete sentences.
1. How many hours of sleep do people of different ages need?
2. What is the name of the problem for people who cannot sleep?
3. Who are two famous Americans who had a problem with sleep

D. Decide if the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
1. Some people need only three hours of sleep a night.
2. After age 50, the average sleep time is 6.5 hours a night.
3. One in four Americans has a problem with sleep.
4. We spend about a quarter of our lives in sleep.
5. Benjamin Franklin had four beds.
6. Mark Twain was a famous inventor.

E. Answer these questions with complete sentences.
1. How much sleep do you need?
2. What time do you usually go to bed, and what time do you get up in the morning?
3. Are the lights in your room on or off when you sleep? Is the window open or closed? Is your
room quiet, or noisy?
4. How often do you wake up in the middle of the night? Do you wake up every night or some
nights? What do you do when you wake up?
5. How do you usually sleep—on your back, side, or stomach? Do you move around a lot?

Simulacro 1

Periodo 2

How do I take care of my body and mind?

-         Comprensión lectora de textos que hablan sobre el cuidado del cuerpo y de la sociedad en el mundo.

-         Expresión de opiniones utilizando los verbos modales de acuerdo a situaciones planteadas.

-         Aplicación del tiempo perfecto y el participio pasado dentro de oraciones o párrafos.

-         Reconocimiento de falsos cognados dentro de oraciones y párrafos.

-         Utilización de los condicionales para responder a situaciones probables o fijas.

-         Demostración de una técnica para relajar cuerpo, mente y alma.

-         Resolución y comprensión de ejercicios tipo prueba SABER 11 

Week 13
August 12-16

Oral reports finals


Quiz story 7

Kahoot conditionals 10B

Kahoot conditionals 10A

Kahoot conditionals 10C

Refuerzo 10B
Conditional 0

Conditional 1

Conditional 2

Week 12
August 5-9

Oral reports Heatlh method or therapy

Week 11
July 29- August 2

Story 6 quiz

Finish game with false friends, perfect tense and conditionals

Refuerzos kahoot
Conditional 0

Conditional 1

Conditional 2


Conditional 0
Conditional 1

Conditional 2

Story 7

When I first started at secondary school, it was daunting, it, it was exciting, it was sort of every single emotion at once. I think it was sort of an identity crisis, I didn't really know who I was. And I wanted to be someone. I had to wear a certain type of clothing, I had to listen to certain music, I had to do the same things. I cut my hair really short. I thought I wouldn't care how other people thought. People used to tease me about what I looked like, how I acted. It sort of niggled away at me a little bit, and that tiny little niggling kind of made me really insecure. And I wasn't happy with who I was. I didn't like the way I looked. I was worried about how smart I was, I was worried about my friendships. I thought they'd see someone who was different, who was ugly, who was not friendship worthy. I had episodes where I'd get really, really upset. I didn't know how to deal with it, so I'd end up hiding, I'd spend a lot of time in the toilets. It was a square, I was in the square, nothing can happen in the square. It was an area I could be in control as everything else felt like it was spiralling in a massive clump of unnecessary worries, about what'll happen on the school bus tonight, or did anyone see me eating that at lunch, or, oh no, I just said that in class and I didn't mean to say that and people are laughing at me now. I don't wanna go back there, in case something happens. The scared feeling sort of became uncontrollable. Everything was intensified, so lights would become lighter, darkness would become darker, sounds would get noisier, so the teacher talking on the other side of the room would suddenly be screaming at me. My chest felt really tight, like both my lungs were expanding but I couldn't get any air into them, as if they were filling up with the water. It was a constant worry. Yeah, it was constant and inescapable feeling of what if, how, what's going on, what if this happens? It was strengthened at school, but it was there a lot.

My friend, she went through a difficult time, and her methods of coping almost rubbed off on me in a way. And in the middle of a French lesson she said we need to go to the bathroom, and so she left five minutes, then I left five minutes later. And she said, India: , I need to tell you this, and she just lifted up her sleeves, and I was like, what's that? And she said, this is what I do to myself. They were cut and scratched and burned and penned, and everything, it was like a crime scene on skin. Cause I was so concerned with this one particular friend, cause she was hurting herself, I just surrounded myself with her, and her problems, and my problems, and it was… suddenly the whole world became a lot darker, and I ended up picking up some of those mechanisms, and I ended up scratching myself, which went up to cutting myself. The pain wasn't in my chest anyone, it was… on my arms, on my legs, so which I could deal with, I could put a bandage on.

Both me and this person had negative coping strategies, and neither of us tried to help each other in a positive way, so we were just spiralling and making ourselves feel more upset. And it just made it worse. My parents found out about my self-harm. They found out on my mum's 40th birthday, which… was horrendous. It was just a very, very sad day. But… it was a very important day, because that was the start of my recovery journey. If they hadn't found out, I don't know what would've happened. I was referred by my GP to go to CAMS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. My therapist was a really lovely person who I trusted. Well, she taught me how to be able to talk to people without worry, and that was really important, the fact that I could now talk to people meant that I didn't have to hide away from people. I s-- almost completely stopped self-harming. I'm dealing with it a lot better, and I'm getting stronger, and I don't think it's ever gonna go away but I've reduced my self-harming to almost nothing. My relationships with people are better, and I can be much more social, and I'm a happier person because I know how to deal with things in a positive way. Now I know how to help myself, I can also do that to help other people, and that makes me feel good. I like helping other people.

Week 10
July 22- 26

story 5 quiz


Conditional 0

Conditional 1

Conditional 2


Story 6

My difficulty started around the age of 11, and the transition between primary and secondary school was a massive change for me. The workload, the change in friendship groups, the change in school environment, and my whole routine all changed at the same time. And that was quite stressful for me. I think that's when I started to feel I was losing control. I don't think it was conscious at first. I started restricting my food intake. I think one of the first things my parents noticed was, sort of, both how withdrawn I'd become from the family, but also my decreasing weight.

I felt isolated from my family and my friends as well. My behaviours and my mood wasn't typical to that of my peers. I didn't feel enjoyment from going to school like I used to when I was younger. I wasn't getting out of bed most days. I wasn't making plans with my friends like I used to. And although I was achieving, it didn't feel good enough anymore. I wasn't enjoying things anymore, and I didn't relate to people.

When you're in your glass box and it's all clouded up, no matter how many people might be on the other side, you can't see them. And you don't know they're there anymore. That's when I lost sight of the hope on the outside. 'Cause all I could see back at me was myself and how unhappy I'd become. And I didn't see myself ever changing. I felt I should be happy that people of my age didn't have a reason to feel depressed. But there's not always a reason.

Before I was aware of my mental illness, I was in a group of quite sporty, quite popular people. I quickly lost the support of that group… 'cause I didn't fit their ideal of what a perfect 12, 13-year-old should look like.

I engaged in CAMHS therapy. CAMHS stands for Children and Adolescents' Mental Health Service. I think I was struggling mainly with the isolation I felt from my peers.

At my lowest point in my mood, when my suicidal ideations were at their worst, I would sneak out of my house without my parents knowing and stand at the side of this main road, often with the intention to really injure myself or even kill myself by jumping in front of a car or a moving vehicle. Sometimes, if I went on a walk, at my halfway point was a bridge over this main road. And a couple of times, I stood over the barrier. I was very close to jumping off the bridge and trying to end my life.

When I highlighted that to my CAMHS therapist, that was what was flagged, and then I was admitted for my first depressive-related hospital admission.

When I came back to school, I felt very closely scrutinised by a lot of my teachers, who were aware of my diagnosis of mental health conditions. I felt quite judged by them. Again, I felt put back in my glass box. I felt like they disregarded me and didn't offer me as much support because they didn't feel I had as much potential. I started to feel quite isolated again. It was the complete sense of just the mess of what was going on, and all my thoughts and all my feelings, and not being able to process. I couldn't label, right, I'm feeling anxious. Or, right, I'm feeling confused. I didn't… I'd lost that vocabulary. Everything was a complete disorganised jumble that wasn't what I was used to.

Cognitive behavioural therapy was probably the best intervention that I engaged with throughout my ongoing recovery. Because it makes sense to me on a logical level. It explains to me how my emotions are linked with my behaviours, and how it links with my thought processes. So, seeing that really logical process to me was really really beneficial. And once I began to see little changes, I saw myself making bigger changes. And that really really helped me. So, I feel like I'm nearing a much brighter future for me and my mental health. And I hope that I can use my journey, especially sort of my darkest ages, to help inform others as part of that brighter future.

July 15-19

Quiz story 4

Story 5

From the little bits that I can remember when I was younger, it was good. Yeah, I had a pretty tight family, I was pretty naïve to everything. We all sorta lived on the same street, got on with all our neighbours. I was seeing my dad every weekend with my brother. Mum took in, well, who was to be her new boyfriend. He didn't have a lot going for him, and it was mainly his kids that were the issue. So the older one would do anything to get me in trouble, she'd break things, she'd steal things. And the younger one, he was a horrible person. From what I can remember that's when it all started going downhill.

My mum got a drug habit, mainly brought on by her new boyfriend. She sort of started to go off the rails a bit. He was having a big influence on her. We'd be out at parties until three o'clock in the morning on a Sunday. I don't know if it was a New Years party or a birthday party, but we were just sort of told to go off and play, like, just go and play outside or whatever, and I came to find mum and I saw her, like, passed out over a cooker. And I just remember screaming, and everyone was telling me to get out. She wouldn't be waking up in the mornings to take us to school, we were having to get ourselves in, making our own lunch. [Then] my brother was being taken off by the rest of the family. He's got autism, and during mums sort of, call it her phase. That's when he started getting bigger, he started getting more angry, couldn't control the aggression. That sort of had a big impact, cause all my confidence from then just sorta disappeared. And without my dad there as well, that was really difficult cause I started seeing him a lot less. That's sort of when I started to go downhill, started to realise everything that had happened before.

So year seven and year nine, it became hell, I couldn't get myself out of bed. I couldn't go into school, I couldn't do anything. It was a feeling of emptiness and just complete worthlessness.

I started smoking a bit of weed recreationally, and then I started finding that it really helped my mood, I wasn't feeling the extremes that I normally felt. I could actually get through the day and get outside. It was literally like my air, I couldn't do anything without it. And then from that, I sorta, I started to know people, so I guess I sorta got myself into the wrong crowd. And it wasn't just weed, then came the ecstasy. I'd never felt happiness like it, it was the best feeling in the world. The only thing I could look forward was the next time I was getting off my face.

And then came the cocaine, and that's probably been the worst, just because of how difficult it has been to come out of it, to break the habits, to learn that little bit of self-control. I couldn't go out for a weekend, I couldn't go and stay at a friends house because I wouldn't be able to smoke, and that was priority. That was probably the worst thing about it, just the fact it sort of took over my life. T was a case of going into school stoned, and then by the end of the day I'm exhausted, I'm grumpy, I'm agitated. I guess it all just got too much again. I was feeling suicidal.

I told my mum straightaway. I went to A&E, and that's when I was basically told, if you want the help and you wanna get better, you have to stop, otherwise you're not gonna get it.

I started to sort of become in touch with myself more, started to understand the way I was feeling, and I started talking about how I was feeling. It's very early days, but I feel a lot more free now, I actually have the ability to talk about the things. I haven't touched cocaine in quite a while. I haven't touched ecstasy. You know, it wasn't as difficult, the hardest part has been stopping smoking. It was just about breaking those barriers, so you'd have the first day and, you know, I wouldn't be able to sleep, I wouldn't be able to eat, but then the next day I sort of felt alive.

My mum's made a big effort, and I've sort of welcomed her back in with open arms, because she is the only family I have, and I know her childhood wasn't easy. Now she knows the mistakes she, she's made, I know she feels guilty with it, and she's living through this as well.

False friends and perfect tense games



Week 8
July 8-12

Desarrollo de taller false friends

Story 4

Vaping has taken off in a big way around the world.

And teens have taken to it in huge numbers.

Why are teens vaping?

And are they aware of the health risks?

I started vaping because all my friends were doing it. It just seemed cool at the time.

The devices that the kids at school had all looked great. They had these really nice designs, and they all came in different colours.

All the kids had these vape pipes with cool names too. Like Tazer, The Breeze, Revelation. They sounded like names you could see on a t-shirt.

And they had their own logos too.

Having your own vape became like a status symbol.

Soon, there were many kids in my school who were using vapes. And no one even thought that it was like smoking. Many kids even thought that using a vape was not smoking at all. It was not considered bad for your health or dangerous.

I think for many older people — adults and people the same age as my mum and dad — they started to use vapes to quit smoking.

But for a lot of my friends at school — me included — we just went straight to vapes. We didn’t even consider smoking cigarettes at all.

I would look at my grandfather smoking cigarettes, and it just looked dirty to me. And he was always coughing every time he smoked.

But with vapes… It doesn’t look dirty. It looks clean.

And the smoke that comes out of your mouth doesn’t look the same as cigarette smoke. It looks more like a cloud. It looks natural. Like air.

So I think that’s why so many kids did it.

It looked cool, and it didn’t seem unhealthy.

But then I started doing it every day. It was always in my hand. I was constantly taking a hit off of it any time I wasn’t in class.

Or if my parents couldn’t see me doing it.

I found that if I didn’t do it every day — or I couldn’t get the oil — then I had trouble breathing. It was like I needed to vape or I couldn’t even breathe.

One kid at school — he has asthma — and he had to go to hospital because of vaping. He was off school for about three weeks, I think.

Then, in the summer, we had a sports day. I was always good at sports. I was good at running.

But I was in one running event — all the schools from our district were there, parents were there — and I collapsed. Luckily, I had finished the race — I didn’t come close to winning — and as I was walking back off the track, I just fell to the ground.

My mum and dad took me to hospital, and they found that I had this thing called popcorn lung. It’s very common for people that use vapes.

The doctor knew immediately that I had been vaping. And he had to tell my mum and dad.

They were really worried about me. But angry at the same time.

Now, I don’t vape at all. It was really hard to stop. But I am so glad I did.

What are some misperceptions you would like to clear up for young people about e-cigarettes? You need to know that e-cigarettes are not safe. They can cause coughing and wheezing, and changes in blood vessels. They also contain chemicals that cause cancer. Even if you are a “casual” user—you know, you say, Oh, I’m only using on the weekends or with friends—that can still lead to severe nicotine addiction. Some teens can experience symptoms of addiction after just a few weeks of use. Your brain doesn’t completely mature until about 25 years of age—and when the brain is still developing, there’s a higher likelihood of becoming addicted to things like nicotine. I get so many comments like, Oh, well, my friend told me that Juul was nicotine-free—but it’s simply not true. If I tell my doctor that I vape, can they help me quit? Yes. As pediatricians, it’s part of our responsibility to advise you to quit and to help you to quit. And this conversation with your pediatrician is confidential. But I would encourage teens to talk to any trusted adult—whether that’s a parent, a teacher, a counselor, or somebody in their scout troop. Any other advice you want to give teens? Not vaping is the best thing to do. It’s important to know that the vast majority of teens do not vape, they do not want to vape, and they have not vaped. But when you’re seeing all those social media posts about everybody vaping, you think that everybody vapes. It’s also important to know that millions of teens have quit. And so it definitely is possible.

Week 7
June 11-14

Alerta académica

Desarrollo de taller false friends

Week 6
June 4-7

Awareness activity during the break

Refuerzos kahoot







False Friends

Week 5
May 27-31

Quiz stories 1 and 2

Organización activity de acuerdo a poster y social issue

Videos checking and audio test

Refuerzo kahoot 2 Health

Story 3

With where I grew up, it gets a lot of bad press for being quite a depressed kind of rundown place where people don't really let you explore your dreams and they kind of put you down. It's not really multicultural. Me having a darker skin tone, I was seen as inferior to a lot of people. I never had a father present in my life. It was a struggle not having any positive male role models to look up to.

At the beginning, there wasn't many friendships at all. As the kind of, the tenure of primary school developed, there were a few, but they weren't sustainable. I think it was much more who's the coolest and who's the most popular, and they think that they become a better person by hanging around with the so-called popular person. And I was always the opposite of that. The smallest things started just kind of name-calling. The usual words, the N-word. And then that escalated. People would kind of pick up rocks and throw them at, aim them at my head while repeatedly using derogatory terms. One of the popular people, so to speak, used one of the knives in the canteen and he was repeatedly prodding me with it with the hopes of, of course, mass intimidation. It's like being dragged into an abyss and there was no light at the end of the tunnel. It was a really dark time for me.

You really lose grasp of who you are. When you come home from school and you're broken, you want some encouragement, and you want just a sliver of hope from people who are meant to be your family. So, to be constantly degraded at home, it was becoming more and more like a one-way street. And there was only one way that was heading, which is the permanent solution, and the worst solution.

School became an escape from home, and home became an escape from school. And I became an absolute alter-ego who would speak differently, who would portray himself differently. I'd pretend that my upbringing was the absolute opposite of what it really was. I'd pretend that I had a lot of money, and I'd come from a really privileged background. It didn't give me positive attention, but it did give me attention. At this point it was any attention is better than feeling that you're just locked away in a drawer. There was nothing in that suit anymore. It was just a complete character. It was just a complete theatrical mask. On the mornings, I would physically vomit at the thought of who I was becoming at my time there. And it resulted in me refusing to go at school. Which gradually amplified to the point where I wouldn't leave my room. I wouldn't respond at all. It's kind of the Jenga tower bricks had been building and building and building at this point. Two-and-a-half years into secondary school, the Jenga tower collapsed, and I fell into myself. The worst time of my life. I wouldn't allow any light into the house. I'd be huddled in the foetal position. And no form of contact in the day. I'd cry through the night. I was refusing to eat, feeling so sick and anxious. I kinda lost the first layer of skin in my arms and my legs 'cause of the sweating and the excessive scratching.

There was no support really at this time. It was just confusion from the people who I'd lived with. And their comments would become more and more extreme. My mum would say there's nothing wrong with you. You're just doing it for attention. My grandma has five sisters and six brothers. One of her sisters is quite medically educated. She got involved and she held out a helping hand. The first time she tried to see me, I ran out of the house and so there was just absolute fear. That night, emergency CAMHS were called. I was, as ever, paralysed in the foetal position. I was really unresponsive.

And that's when my auntie came and she offered me to go and live with her in a place where I could eventually feel safe. And that's when my time at CAMHS started. I remember the first time I met him, and something already felt different. And it didn't take me long to realise that this felt like a male who I could trust.

Adolescence, it is meant to be that point where, you know, you find who you are. And I think I finally know who I am.

Week 4
May 20-24

Present Perfect Progressive


What has each person been doing?












Kahoot 2 



Refuerzo kahoot



Story 2

I'd spend a lot of time on my own. So, I got used to it. I'd just be sat there on my computer, either playing video games or reading articles online. I became rather withdrawn. I had next to no friends. I started to get almost a fear of people, I suppose.

I couldn't really speak to people properly. I couldn't-- I didn't have any confidence. I couldn't articulate my thoughts very well. I was very quiet and I was quite, like, paranoid about the people around me. And when we were playing team games, they'd pick me last. That was an awful experience. I felt like there was something very wrong with me, and I couldn't figure out what it was.

There's so much peer pressure. Oh, have you got this new bag or this new phone, or have you heard of this, have you seen that? And, obviously, I'm still not into half the things that normal teenagers are into today. So, I felt that pressure of I'm a complete outsider. Interacting with people was very difficult. I hadn't really had experience with, just, having a normal conversation with someone. I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do. I am constantly thinking, "Do they think I'm an idiot? Do they think I'm weird? Do they think I'm strange?" All sorts of things.

When I moved to the grammar school, I found that I wasn't actually at the top. I was more towards the bottom. I wasn't as good as them. They were so much better than me. And it brought on a lot of anxiety. So, I describe it like the reactions inside the sun. Because it was so intense, and I didn't know what it was. It was very scary, and I remember being with my friends. I just wanted to escape; I just wanted to walk out the room, detach myself from the environment, and everything going in slow motion. Finding it hard to breathe sometimes. I was in my maths lesson, and I was sitting in the middle of two or three people. I couldn't hear the things around me anymore. I could hear them, but I didn't feel like I could process anything. I was looking down at my paper and looking up, and looking down again. It was like everything was just quite far away.

I think one of the worst times that I felt most anxious was in English class. So, having to stand up and read this book, I felt so anxious I just completely froze. And I just couldn't get the words out physically. Like, they were on the end of my tongue, but they were stuck. So, I stood there for about two minutes. So, I just sat down and for the next half an hour of that lesson, I was just stuck in my own head in that classroom. I physically felt sick. I felt like I was in a sauna as well. I started sweating. My heart was going 70,000 miles an hour. It physically hurt.

At first it started happening, like, maybe once every so often. Then it started increasing to once a week, until... Until I got to the point where it was happening every day. I was feeling like that all the time.

Actually, a lot of people didn't believe me. Or they thought I was just being a teenager, this is normal. It got worse after that. And I, I withdrew from my GCSEs and didn't do them, due to, like, the severity of the mental health.

So, I just had this overwhelming feeling of "I'm really alone right now. This is absolutely awful." And it all just built up and built up. Physically wound me up. I almost felt like a jack-in-the-box sometimes. And how someone's slowly winding the handle slowly and slowly and slowly, and I'm just gonna pop.

And I thought that I don't really deserve to live, because I felt stressed out when I just looked at the books. I feel like a terrible human being. And then I took an overdose.

I got a fast rec into CAMHS, and then things started changing for the better. First, I saw a key worker who I think did an assessment on me. And then I got to see a psychiatrist. And then for over the next few months, I got to see both of them. At first it was weekly, then it was once every two weeks, and then it was once every month or so. That actually helped a lot, because I felt supported. I felt like I could talk about things. Like I could, just letting things out, you know, just a release of emotions. People were listening to me. I felt like I was allowed to be unwell. And it got me to the state where I could start doing things again. Or could start making my own choices and helping myself get better.

It helped just be able to talk to somebody. I could sit there and talk for the hour. I was just trying to explain to her how hard it was. I have very few friends, I feel like I'm near enough terrified of people, and it's incredibly hard. All the emotions and all the thoughts and everything constantly whirling around. At some points, I just felt, you know, when you're physically dizzy. While I was talking, those normal fears of being scared and being worried about people, I didn't feel any of that anymore. I could let all this out 'cause there was someone that not only was there, but wanted to be there.

Week 3
May 14-17

Past participle games

Week 2
May 6-10

Kahoot 10B

Refuerzo kahoot Participle and Present perfect 10A - 10C

Present perfect exercises

A-Fill in the correct form of the present perfect verbs below.
1. (to be) I have _____________ sick for a month.
2. (to feel) Juan has _________________ nauseous since 8:30am.
3. (to have) We ________________ _______________ the flu for one day.
4. (to have) They _______________ ______________ cancer for two years.
5. (to have) She ________________ ______________ an earache since last night.
6. (to feel) Farah and Abdul ___________________ ______________________ sick since Tuesday.
7. (to be) John ____________________ __________________________ vomiting for two hours.
8. (to have) We ___________________ ______________________ strep throat since yesterday.
9. (to have) He ___________________ ____________________ a brain tumor since 2010.
10. (to have) The dog _________________ ____________________ a broken leg for one week.
11. (to feel) I ___________________ ______________________ dizzy since I got pregnant.
12. (to be) Peter ________________ ______________________ achy since last weekend.
13. (to have) You and I ___________________ ________________ a cold for three days.
14. (to have) She ___________________ ___________________ strep throat since last night.
15. (to be) You _________________ ________________________ nauseous since last month.

B-Now fill in the correct form of the verbs AND for or since.
1. I _____ _____ the flu _____ yesterday.
2. You __________ _______ sick ______ three days.
3. The cat ________ ________ an ear infection _____last week.
4. She _____ _________ nauseous ____ a day.
5. He ______ ________ a cough ______ last month.
6. They ________ __________ bronchitis _____ yesterday.
7. We _______ ________ dizzy _______ thirty minutes.
8. It _____ ________ a broken arm ________ two weeks.
9. Greg and Jill _________ _______ a backache ______ a year.
10. Joel _____ _________ a sore throat ______ Monday.

C-Fill in blanks using just, already or yet

1. ________ you ________ (eat) the breakfast ________?
2. Would you like a glass of juice?
- No, thanks. I ________ _________ _________ (drink) three.
3. Let’s watch Dirty Dancing.
- I ________ _________ _________ (see) it twice.
4. My younger sister ________ ________ ________ (do) the washing up.
5. He _________ _________ ________ (start) preparing a meal.
6. Do you hear the noise? The train _________ _________ ________ (arrive).
7. Remember to make the bed!
- I ________ ________ ________ (do) it.
8. My friend ________ ________ (not, write) his homework ________.
9. They ________ ________ (not, be) to London _________.
10. I´ve ______ (catch) a virus after this heavy rainy day.
11. Laura ______ (prepare) a delicious soup to feel better.
12. My brother is sick, we _______ (call) the doctor.
13. They _____ (share) different healthy routines in the lecture.
14. We are in a diet program and we ______ (eat) any unhealthy food ____.
15. Most people ________ (reject) junk food. 

D. Select and write the correct option: ever, never, just, yet, already, still, for, since 

1. The neighbors have ______ bought a new car. Look how shiny it is!
2. Dave ______  hasn´t seen Ghostsbusters, and it´s been out since 1984!
3. I've taken English classes ______ ten years, and I still make mistakes
4. I don't want to see that movie again. I've ______ seen it three times. 
5. Have you ______ been on a motorcycle? 
6. We need a change of scene. Let's go somewhere we've ______  been to before. 7. Tom's my best friend. We've known each other ______ elementary school. 
8. Mom has ______ baked cookies. The kitchen smells delectable. 
9. Who's that guy over there? Have you__________ seen him before? 
10. Susan's been sick at home ______ over a week.
11. I haven't finished this essay ______ , and it's due tomorrow! 
12. Katie has changed a lot________ the last time we saw her. 
13. This is the most disgusting thing I have ______ tasted! 
14. Mike hasn't saved up enough money ______ to buy a house.
15. I´ve ______ received an email from my boss. He says he wants to see me. 16. The terrorist has been in prison ______ 20 years now. 
17. He says he's from Tuvalu. I've ______ even heard of that place!
18. Have you ______ heard this song? It´s really cool.
19. I've ______  been skiing before, and at this point I don´t think I ever will.
20. I've ______  given you this information three times. Stop asking me! 
21. Betty has been brokenhearted________ her goldfish died. 
22. It's noon and you________ haven't made your bed. You're a slob! 
23. That's the most stupid thing I've ______ heard! 
24. Debbie has ______ found out that she's going to be given an award.  
25. The Iberian Peninsula has been inhabited ______ 35 thousand years.

E. Create 20 interesting Have you ever questions, ask a classmate and write a short answer for each. 

Example: HAVE YOU EVER flown in a balloon? Yes, I have / No, I haven´t

50 irregular verbs 

80 Irregular verbs song

Story 1

I was a normal kid, I was playing football, rugby, cricket all of the sports you know under the sun that I could get my hands on to. If there was a ball involved I was pretty much there. But things changed when my parents split up, which was when I was 11 years old. And that's when my head started to just question things that I would not have questioned if that situation did not occur. But I thought it's my fault.

I was chubby, quite a large kid. I got bullied in primary and secondary school for being fat. I came home numerous times crying. I think these two things together, the parents splitting up and being bullied, I started to isolate myself.

When I then eventually moved house that's when I decided that I'm going to lose weight. And when I got home to that other house, I remember it so vividly because we had pizza there. And that was the first time that I restricted myself, and this is my new start. This is my fresh start, this is the new Jack. Because the old Jack was left behind in the old house.

I started running, and I can remember my road was very long, so I just went up once and then came back down. I then went swimming. Running and swimming were my two main things that I used to lose weight. So one night run up once, came down and went to swim. Next evening, run twice, went to swim. Then probably a couple of days passed three times, swim. Four times, swim. Five times, swim.

Food, I cut everything that I categorised as bad out. I just felt so determined, nothing was going to stop me, I was going to do this.

I remember saying to one of my mates when I was walking out of the gate at school, I'm going to be skinny Jack. And he said, "I can't imagine a skinny Jack." I said, "Just watch me."

My relationship with food and exercise I took that, but went way too far with it. So I isolated myself from everyone.

I remember going on a holiday to Spain, and that was a big wake up call for my mum. I think that's when my mum realised that there's something seriously wrong, because I'd have panic attacks after dinner, I would have just these weird mood swings. I was so uncomfortable in myself and what I looked like and how I felt. Anorexia is like a cloud flooding your brain. You're just thinking about numbers, calories, exercise, what you're eating today, what you're eating tomorrow, what you can cut out, what can you do more to push yourself.

I wasn't present. I am now skinny Jack, and I am that person that I turned myself into. I just became very weak, I just felt empty. So I couldn't, I couldn't even run anymore. Everything had stopped.

And I was in bed by 6:00. There was no way I was staying up any later because I couldn't physically stay up. I was so tired and drained.

By November time I was struggling to walk to school. I used to go to school, go straight to the medical room and tell them to call my parents to pick me up because I couldn't, I couldn't walk home.

At this point I wanted to be ill. I wanted to feel bad. I wanted to feel horrible. I wanted to feel sick. I was so far gone in my head that I was, you know I wasn't even Jack. I had turned into a completely different person. And I just wanted to be in that bubble by myself.

I remember one distinct day when my dad picked me up, my dad was crying because he saw my eyes, they were black, I was tired, you could see I was deteriorating. And I did have a complete breakdown.

And when I did have that breakdown, that's when I did ask for help.

I went to my GP, we did get a referral to CAMHS. When I finally got there two weeks later, the nurse, she must have done my heart rate and blood pressure first, and I remember just the machine just beeping.

My heart rate was 35 beats per minute, and my blood pressure was 70 over 40, or something insane. I said, "Am I going to die?" And she said, "We need to go and speak to your dad."

They took me up to the ward, and they took me upstairs and I walked past and I just remember looking to my left and there being just children my age and maybe a bit younger and older, and they were being fed by tubes.

And I remember just walking and thinking I'm going to start now, I have to do this. And that was the day I started my whole meal plan, on that day.

Things started to look up because I had structure again.

So I'm studying towards my GCSE's, I've got my meal plan, I'm an outpatient at CAMHS, so I'm going once or twice a week to get weighed, my heart checked, everything, you know, just get checked and checked up.

And that's the thing, I took control of my own recovery. Because no one can help you, you have to help yourself.

A counsellor or psychologist can only bring you to water, they can't make you drink it. You have to actually want to do it yourself.

Week 1
April 29 -May 3

Create poster where it is included:

  • A social issue
  • General and appealing content
  • Tips or steps or guideliness
  • USe of correct grammar and syntax
  • Creativity


Periodo 1

How do I make a difference into society?

-         Presentación personal oral y/o escrita expresando preferencias.

-         Comprensión lectora de perfiles, biografías y descripciones de personas.

-         Realización de textos cortos sobre personas que trabajan o trabajaron por la sociedad.

-         Reconocimiento de vocabulario relacionado con diversidad, democracia, economía y ciudadanía.

-         Presentación oral y/o escrita de una persona o grupo que apoya positivamente una problemática social.

-         Creación de una campaña relacionada con estereotipos y diversidad.

Resolución y comprensión de ejercicios tipo prueba SABER 11

Week 13
April 22-26

Quiz irregular verbs

Retroalimentación proceso, cierre de primer periodo, nota examen de periodo.

Refuerzo evaluación libro 

Entrega de taller 3

Retroalimentación video entrevista

Auto y Co evaluación

Week 12
April 15-19

Terminación de taller verbos irregulares en cloze

Examen del libro

Evaluación de periodo

Week 11
April 8-12

Refuerzo kahoot



Termina juego verbos irregulares

Exam book Tom Sawyer

Refuerzo kahoot irregular verbs

Taller irregular verbs past simple

Exercise irregular verbs












Week 10
April 1-5

Famous people overcame obstacles

Week 9
March 18-22

Quiz 2 taller 1

Finalización y envío de taller 2

Actividad y kahoot con verbos regulares e irregulares en past simple

Clasificar los verbos irregulares por subgrupos según sus cambios



Kahoot Irregular verbs



Pautas Video Characters: ( Hand-in April 12)
  • Creativity
  • Pronunciation
  • Grammar
  • Content
  • Time

Week 8
March 11-15

Quiz taller 1

Description of Colombian people: sentences checking

Video interview with a man and a woman working for society

Taller 2

Week 7
March 4-8

Alerta Académica

Perceptions activity description

Video 3 

Past simple and progressive

Taller 2

Week 6
February 26 - March 1

Retroalimentación video 1

Continuación taller 1

Envío video 2


Week 5
February 19-23

Refuerzo quiz prefferences

Week 4
February 12-16

Recepción y retroalimentación de video Self-Introduction 

Quiz prefferences
Weeks 1-2
January 25
January 29 - February 

Actividades de bienvenida, orientación e inducción a estudiantes.

Task 1: Introducing myself task in a Video (Deadline February 16)
Use of prefferences structures and vocab
Important information
Clear audio
Attention to grammar and pronunciation
1-2 minutes

Audios: expressing prefferences


Present simple




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